Get Involved
Wonderbloom is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to improving lives through nature-based learning. We have opportunities for you to get involved and change the lives of children in Utah.
Join us!
Nature-based learning creates stronger immune systems, enhances cognitive functioning, improves sleep, reduces stress and more! You are directly supporting children’s health and enhancing their learning experience. Check out our wishlist and help us create a magical space for our students and join us on Sept 27 to celebrate the grand opening of the Outdoor Classroom!
Wish List
We need learning materials for our students.
We select and use developmentally-appropriate, high-quality learning materials in our programs. If you'd like to help us by adding to our selection, head over to our Amazon Wish List. They'll send it right to us and your donation is tax-deductible!
group service project
We have some projects on our list that you could help with.
As a new nature-based school, we are often burning the candle at both ends to make our program amazing. That means some of our projects, like building a playhouse, or making toys, get pushed to the back of our to-do list. Can your group help us?